FILM 2162: DOCTOR SLEEP (2019)

FILM 2162: DOCTOR SLEEP (2019)

TRIVIA: Most elements from The Shining (1980) were recreated with duplicate sets and lookalike actors, though three shots were reused: the aerial shot of the water and the island and the two shots after it of the car driving on the mountain road. The shots were degrained, recolored as day-for-night, and had snow digitally added.

asked him what happened to Danny Torrance from his novel 'The Shining'. This was a question King had often asked himself, as well as what would have happened to Jack Torrance had he found AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). When people kept repeating the question, King always jokingly replied that Danny eventually married Charlene McGee, the girl from Firestarter (1984). However, King eventually started thinking seriously about how old Danny was and what happened to Wendy and decided to find the answers with a sequel, but it was a tall order.

It took a lot of negotiating to get this film made. Mike Flanagan had to convince Stephen King that, despite his own distaste for Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980), audiences were more familiar with that version rather than The Shining (1997), and largely preferred the film to the miniseries. Therefore, this film had to be a sequel to Stanley Kubrick's classic film.

Mike Flanagan painstakingly recreated the sets of the Overlook hotel from blueprints acquired from Stanley Kubrick's estate. 

Dr. John Dalton's (Bruce Greenwood) room, in which Danny is interviewed for the orderly position, is identical to Stuart Ullman's office where Jack Torrance was interviewed in for the caretaker job in The Shining (1980) (1980), right down to the paint color and the little American flag on the right side of the desk.

In the scene where hospital cat Azzie jumps on the desk in front of Dan, before he follows her to what should be an empty room, he puts down the magazine he was reading. It's the same January 1978 issue of Playgirl Magazine his father, Jack Torrance, read in the lobby of The Overlook while waiting for Stuart Ullman and Bill Watson on Closing Day in The Shining (1980).

The use of the heartbeat is a homage to The Shining (1980). Throughout Doctor Sleep(2019), the tempo of the heartbeat is used to increase or decrease tension.

The cat Azzie is based on Oscar, a tabby cat who resides at Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre in Rhode Island. Oscar appears able to predict the impending death of terminally ill patients. He will sit or sleep by their beds for a few hours before they die. Since the publication of an article featuring Oscar in a New England medical journal in 2007, Oscar has been present for over 100 patient deaths. In 2013, Oscar suffered an allergic reaction and died for a few seconds before he was revived by vets. In the film, Azzie is portrayed by Bonkers, a cat that belongs to The Newton Brothers, the film's composers.

The mental 'cabinet' where Abra and Rose store all their memories is similar to the 'memory warehouse' from Dreamcatcher (2003), a previous adaptation of a Stephen Kingnovel. Both concepts are extremely similar to the 'memory/mind palace' made popular by Sherlock (2010) and Hannibal (2013). It is a mental technique for storing information that dates back to ancient Rome.

Carel Struycken, who plays Grandpa Flick, also played the Moonlight Man in Flanagan's adaptation of another Stephen King novel, Gerald's Game.

CAMEO: Danny Lloyd, who played the character Danny Torrance in The Shining, makes a cameo in this movie at the baseball game and is listed in the credits as "Spectator."

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